
Advice & Recommendations

During the more than 17 years the organisation has been active, the recommendations produced have covered a wide range of topics. The BSAC has advised on fishing quotas, marine spatial planning, technical measures but also on recreational fishing or offshore windfarms. These have sometimes taken the form of letters with compromise positions or divided answers to targeted questionnaires. However, these recommendations are always the product of members’ input whether it is by writing or during meetings.

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BSAC reply to survey on Evaluation of the EU Landing Obligation

Five years from the full operationalisation of the landing obligation, the Commission is gathering evidence to support the evaluation of the landing obligation in terms of meeting the objectives of the 2013 reformed Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). For this, a questionnaire was set up to aid in the collection and validation of existing data already gathered.

The BSAC replied to the questionnaire by submitting the attached document. 

10/07/24 BSACreply to LOconsultation_2024-2025-13 E-survey Questionnaire
BSAC recommendations for the fishery in the Baltic Sea in 2025

BSAC recommendations for the fishery in the Baltic Sea in 2025.

Translations are available in:

05/07/24 BSACletterBalticFishery-2024-2025-12 BSACrecommendationsfisheryBalticin2025
BSAC letter regarding the Fishers of the Future foresight study

The BSAC raised specific concerns with the study, in particular regarding the initial survey on which it was based.

The Commission’s answer was received on the 10th July 2024.

03/06/24 BSAC letter fishersoffuture24-25-11 2024_07_09_Fishers_Future_Reply_to_BSAC
BSAC recommendations on the Commission Communication on CFP today and tomorrow

This document presents the BSAC recommendations on a shortlist of actions from the Commission Communication on CFP today and tomorrow: a Fisheries and Oceans Pact towards sustainable, science-based, innovative and inclusive fisheries management identified by BSAC ExCom to be relevant for BSAC.

BSAC already delivered its recommendations on the EU Action Plan in December 2023, these recommendations focus on the CFP Communication. It has been prepared based on discussions in the EBM WG in October 2023 and in the Demersal, Pelagic and EBW WG in February and March 2023.

04/04/24 BSACreply to CFPcom24-25-3 2024_05_REPLY DG MARE-BSAC2024-20253
BSAC letter to MS: Criteria used to define small-scale fishing vessels

The Executive Committee has given a new mandate to the Focus Group on rules of procedure to look into proposing a suitable BSAC definition of small-scale fishing vessels as well as indicators to establish what share such vessels would represent of a Member State’s fishing fleet.

The FG met on the 5th March and has proposed a letter to be addressed to the Member States representatives.

The Executive Committee validated the letter that was subsequently sent on the 3rd April 2024.

03/04/24 Letter to MS - small-scale definition2024-2025-2
BSAC reply to questionnaire COM report on the Multiannual Plan for the Baltic Sea (MAP)

The BSAC provided input on various aspects of the MAP evaluation. The replies to and results of the survey will be used to inform the Commission’s implementation report.

03/04/24 2024-02-07 Letter to BaltFish and BSAC on 2nd Baltic MAP report BSAC answer COM quest MAP report2024-2025-1
BSAC input to HELCOM FISH meeting: priority species for better data

BSAC agreed on input to the HELCOM FISH meeting regarding identifying the fish species for which there is a need for better data under the Baltic Sea Action Plan Action S40.

This input was presented to the HELCOM FISH meeting on 13th March 2024.


12/03/24 BSAC input to HELCOM FISH meeting2023-2024-40
BSAC reply to COM consultation on social indicators and allocation of fishing opportunities

This document presents the BSAC response to the questions from the Commission regarding two specific actions of the CFP Communication:

  1. The further development of social indicators to be used in the analysis of socio-economic reports with the help of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF).
  2. Discussions among Member States and stakeholders with a view to preparing a vademecum on the allocation of fishing opportunities to improve transparency, promote sustainable practices across the EU and support small-scale and coastal fishers

The BSAC response has been elaborated based on members answers to a written consultation and discussions on the CFP Communication that took place in the Working Groups. The draft was circulated for comments of the members then validated by the Executive Committee on 15th April 2024.

20/02/24 Consultation of stakeholders on social data & art 17 BSACreply to Socio-indic FishOpalloc24-25-5
BSAC reply to the European Commission open feedback on the proposed changes to the Baltic Multiannual Plan (MAP)

On 6th December 2023, the European Commission tabled a proposal for a Regulation amending the Multiannual Plan for the Baltic[1] (the MAP) and opened the possibility to send some feedback on the proposal until 31st January 2024.

The Executive Committee adopted the BSAC reply on 24th January 2024.

29/01/24 BSACanswerBalticMAPfeedback22-23-38
BSAC input to Roundtable meeting December 2023

DG MARE invited the BSAC Chair and Vice Chair to the roundtable with the Commissioner. BSAC agreed on a written input and received an answer in April 2024.

07/12/23 BSAC input_roundtable Commissioner 07122023 Reply to BSAC on various topics 15.04.2024
Invitation to COM to participate in a BSAC executive meeting to discuss ongoing and upcoming ICES requests

In response to the Commission letter of  the 10th November, BSAC invited the Commission to discuss ongoing and future ICES requests at the next Executive Committee.

06/12/23 BSAC letter invitation excom and ICES requests2023-2024-36
Joint-AC letter on ACs stakeholder input

The Advisory Councils together sent a letter to the Commission on taking into account stakeholders’ input.

05/12/23 Inter AC letter Stakeholder input_signed Reply_joint_AC_letter_05_12_2023

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